How will the world sustainably produce enough healthy food to feed 10 billion people by 2050?
Animal-based protein diets and ultra-processed foods are not healthy or sustainable choices.
A large part of the human population is undernourished or food-insecure. Globally, the farmland is available, but the majority is used to produce feed for animals, not food for people.
Deforestation, climate change, and the decline of environmental health due to the impact of animal-centric agriculture will continue unless we take action.
We believe the solution is a whole-food, plant-based diet using organic soybeans, soy products such as tofu, and traditionally fermented soy products such as tempeh, miso, and natto, as an important protein source.
The Soybean Solution is a two-part project: a film documentary and a start-up soy company, SoyDélices, in Benin, Africa
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The Soybean Solution to Life!
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